Sunday, November 1, 2009

The Science of Beauty in the Bath - Special Bath-Time Treatments

Bath time can be the perfect time to experience problems and issues the skin of the body address. Goose bumps, cellulite, dry / scaly skin, rough knees and elbows and even detoxification may, by adding a few ingredients to help your swimsuit. Learn how to improve the appearance and texture of your skin - safely, efficiently and above all - easy.

1. Gooseflesh

Goosebumps usually occur on the thighs, buttocks and / or upper arms. You canstimulate blood circulation, obtained by washing regularly with a bath mitt or loofah in the bathtub. It is also advantageous, filled with sea salt scrub once in a while, or with sugar or with a bag of oatmeal or bran. The follow-up should be given a thorough massage with hand cream or body lotion.

2. Bulge reduction

A treatment that friction is combined with a weight of treatment, the reduction of friction using a glove. Even if weight loss is not your concern, the gloveis an excellent way to eliminate the goose bumps and a healthy pink glow.

Alternatively, you can (with soft bristles and natural bristles!) Brush to dry brush the skin. I'm using a cheap Wal-Mart, which is made by Goody, although it fancy / expensive disposal. Dry brush your skin) starting at the extremities (hands and feet, and with long strokes, always towards the heart. Do this before a bath or shower - it is great for exfoliation, detoxification, blood circulation andCellulite.

3. Discolored and horny knees and elbows

Regular attention is required in these areas in order to eliminate the problem, but a "blitz" treatment can begin immediately.

a. First, the elbows and knees should be cleaned with cream and then massaged tissued off. This should then be done with a pumice stone and water while you mix in the bath and then rubbed with sea salt or an oatmeal and bran, or sugar with a little vegetable. Youshould then rinse well.

b. After the bath, a cut lemon to be rubbed dry on the elbows and knees and let the juice.

c. The areas should then be massaged with body lotion or hand cream.

You can do the treatment once a week or once a month, but in between you should ensure, pumice and massage with hand cream or body lotion.

4. Very Dry Skin

Skin Conditioning and Rejuvenation

* 4 drops LavenderEssential Oils

* 2 drops Ylang-Ylang Essential Oils

* 1 drop Palmarosa Essential Oil

* 1 drop Geranium Essential Oil

Blend and add 3-5 drops to 1 / 4 cup baking soda or Epsom salts. In the bathroom with running hot water and soak for 10-20 minutes.

Herbal Waters Bath Oil

This sensual oil turns any bathroom into a pampering spa treatment, full of moisturizing vegetable oils and skin-friendly herbal essential oils.

* 1 cup almond oil

* 2 cups avocadoOil

* 2 Green Tea Bags

* 10 drops of lavender oil

* 8 drops Chamomile Essential Oil

* 4 drops of ylang-ylang essential oils

* 2 drops of Rose Geranium Essential Oil

Warm almond and avocado oil in a small saucepan. Remove from heat, add tea bags and let stand until cool. Remove combine herbs and tea oil infusion with remaining ingredients in a 12-ounce glass bottle with a lid or stopper. Close tightly and shake well to mix the oils. Store mixture in a cool,dark place for 24 hours in order to mix the oils.

To use, add 2 ounces to your bath water and soak 10-20 minutes.

Marigold and Fennel Milk Bath

Fennel acts as a stimulant, while Marigold provides healing qualities. Milk is an excellent skin softener and conditioner.

* Muslin Material

* 8 T. powdered milk

* 4 oz. Dried fennel seeds

* 2 oz. Dried Marigold

* Ribbon

Cut a 10-inch diameter circle of muslin. Place in a bowl,to mix the seeds, milk powder and marigold. Place a large handful of the mixture in the center of the muslin circle. Gather up the edges tightly to form a bag and tie with ribbon. Toss in hot bath and let steep about 10 minutes before entering.

Honey and oatmeal milk bath

* 1 cup powdered milk

* 1 cup finely ground oatmeal

* 1 / 2 cup honey powder

* 2 tsp fragrant oil of choice

Mix all ingredients in a glass orStainless steel bowl, mix well. They add about 1 / 2 cup warm bath to relax and enjoy.

5. Cellulite

Cellulite Blend

These compounds stimulate circulation.

Eucalyptus citriodora * 2 ml

* Lemon 2 ml

* Cedarwood 2ml

* Sage 2ml

* Cypress 2 ml

* Niaouli 2ml

* In 100 ml Hazelnut oil


Bay oil * 2 d.

2 d. lemon oil *

* 4 d. lavender oil in 20 ml of sesame oil


Combine ingredients and add5-7 drops in a warm (not hot) bath. Turnout for 10-15 minutes. You can also mix these problem areas are 2-3 times per day after bath or shower for 30 days.

6. Detoxification and deodorization

Deodorizing Herbal Bath

All of the herbs in this recipe contain ingredients that deodorize your body. It is a wonderful herbal mixture to enjoy after a hot day of work in the garden.

* 1 / 4 cup fresh or 2 tablespoons dried thyme

* 1 / 4 cup2 tablespoons fresh or dried lavender buds

* 1 / 4 cup fresh or 2 tablespoons dried rosemary

* 1 muslin bath bag

* 1 liter of boiling water

Add the fresh or dried herbs to the bag and close comfortably. Add the filter for the water and cook, covered, for 15 minutes. Remove the infusion from the heat and cool to lukewarm. Add the infusion and bag to your bath water, bags of herbs as a washcloth.

Skin-softening and Detox Bath

Adapted from 365Simple Pleasures, collected by Susannah Seton (Weiser, 2001).

The bathroom has the added benefit of helping to remove toxins, and as a very soothing and relaxing, too.


* 1 cup buttermilk

* 3 tablespoons of Epsom salt

* 1 / 2 tablespoons olive oil or canola oil

* 3 drops of lavender oil

Combine ingredients and pour the stream of warm water as your bath fills. Dive in and enjoy for 15 minutes or so.

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