Non-prescription contact lenses are not meant for optical correction, they are called plano. Opaque color contacts are the most common non-prescription contacts. Although these lenses do not need a prescription, the user is a contact lens must consult with specialists for the right fit.
There are a variety of non-prescription contacts available on the market. There are lenses that are easy to improve a natural eye color. There are also contacts to satisfy every whim. The lenses haveNames such as "Flame", "strange" and "Cat's Eye." It seems that it does not adapt a non-prescription contact lenses for each flight of fancy. Occasions such as Halloween increasing demand for such lenses.
The user can choose between disposable and daily-wear lenses. Disposable lenses can be the better choice if the user plans, colors change frequently. These are the right choice if you are non-prescription color contacts only occasionally. There is no need to clean these lenses,and you can throw them out after a few days.
Daily wear lenses are more appropriate if the contacts are frequently used. This will take longer, but need regular cleaning and disinfection.
Many doctors advise against the use of non-prescription contacts without a doctor's supervision. They warn that if a doctor does not monitor assembly, use and physiological effects that can severely damage the contacts or even lead to blindness.
When people buynon-prescription contacts over the counter, without consulting into a contact lens specialists, they tend to forget that the contacts are not for everyone. The shape of the eye, the amount of tearing and the need for correction varies from person to person. Only a careful examination by a professional can ensure the right contacts for the right eye.
Each user must be mature enough to take proper care of lenses. Diabetics must be especially careful, since infections can take a long timeheal.